Titol Separator Informes sobre desigualdad
Reports on inequality
Social welfare systems and inequality in Europe
September 2023
Spain’s social protection system is less redistributive than those of other EU countries. What reforms could help reduce economic inequality in Spain?
Minimum wage, a measure in favour of a social contract
July 2022
Spain’s minimum interprofessional wage increased by 29.1% between 2019 and 2020. What effects has this increase had on social welfare and on the fight against inequality?
Inequality and social contract
July 2022
What is the extent of inequality in Spain? We present a compendium of 11 reports that tackle its determinant factors and the policies necessary for its reduction.
Job uncertainty and income redistribution preferences
July 2022
The duality between temporary and permanent contracts conditions the labour market in Spain and causes differences in job security and income. What impact does this have on people’s redistribution preferences?
The roots of inequality: intergenerational social mobility and territory
July 2022
This paper analyses why Spain is one of the European countries where place of birth and parental income most condition people’s earnings.
Disability, inequality and income redistribution
July 2022
What is the economic impact of disability? This report shows that households with at least one member with disability present lower income levels.
Capital income and income inequality in Spain, 1980-2020
July 2022
Why does Spain present income inequality levels higher than the European average? Differences in income between age groups and the concentration of capital among the richest groups are some of the causes.
Inequality of opportunity in educational performance in Spain and Europe
July 2022
What lies behind educational inequalities? Factors beyond students’ control (such as gender, background, or parents’ financial or cultural status) explain 32% of the differences in their academic performance.
Moving in and out of in-work poverty in Spain
July 2022
Having a job is no longer sufficient for escaping poverty. Many households, especially with children, are experiencing in-work poverty associated with low wages or periods of inactivity.
Evolution of wage gap between native-born and migrant youth in Spain
July 2022
In what way does our background affect wages? This report analyses the evolution of wage trajectories among native and immigrant young people between 2007 and 2015.
Showing 1 to 10 of 11 entries.