1Spain stands out for its high use of temporary contracts, with an average of 27% of workers having temporary contracts during the period 2005-2019.
2The use of temporary contracts is particularly high among young people, with an average of 65.4% of employees under 25 years of age on temporary contracts between 2006 and 2019.
3Spain is a country with a strong preference for redistribution, and people on temporary contracts support this even more.
4People with temporary contracts have a greater preference for redistribution, regardless of gender, age or education, although the increase is more pronounced among those aged 30 and over and those with lower education levels.
5The preference for redistribution in times of crisis increases for all workers, although this increase is even higher when it comes to workers with permanent contracts.

Difference in percentage points of the probability of stating a specific reply to the statement “the government should take measures to reduce differences in income levels” by type of contract and macroeconomic situation, 2002-2019.