1The education boom that began in Spain in the 1960s has meant that university education has become predominant among young people. Half of the people born in the 1980s have a university education.
2Family background continues to influence educational opportunities for young people. Children of university-educated parents have an almost 80% probability of obtaining a university degree, while this probability is less than 35% if both parents only have a primary education.
3Some 28% of 25-44 year olds with a university degree are from families with lower levels of education, a similar figure to that of France, England, the Netherlands or Denmark.
4The Great Recession and pandemic appeared against an employment backdrop for the younger generation in which almost half of the low-skilled white-collar jobs were already taken by people with a university degree.
5The ratio between the income of offspring and parents is higher in Spain than that of other neighbouring countries, although lower than in several countries with the greatest intergenerational immobility, such as the United Kingdom, Italy and the United States.
6The place where we spend our childhood determines our subsequent opportunities. For example, growing up in rural municipalities favours economic outcomes for young people.
7Growing up in urban municipalities with higher average income, better income distribution, younger population or lower education levels favours subsequent opportunities for young people.
8Family background conditions acquire more importance in the most vulnerable sectors of society during crises such as that of 2008-2014 and the pandemic of 2020-2021.

Probability of a person born in Spain completing each education level by father’s or mother’s highest level of education.