Asset Publisher

What makes citizens likely to believe and spread fake news?


What makes citizens likely to believe and spread fake news?

December 2024

Irene Cruz, Daniel Ortín and Jaume Suau, Universitat Ramon Llull;

Who is most likely to believe fake news? An experiment shows that prior trust in the news medium, a positive statement in the headline, and having beliefs in line with the message all bear an influence.

Young people and their idea of the family in the 21st century


Young people and their idea of the family in the 21st century

November 2024

Sara Serrate, Agustín Huete, José Manuel Muñoz, Judith Martín, David Caballero and Jesús Ruedas, Universidad de Salamanca;

The family is important for young people and a reference point for forming their own. However, a study among young people aged 16 to 32 living in Spain reveals that only 16% have children, highlighting difficulties such as work-life balance, economic stability, and access to housing.

Social isolation among Spain’s young adult population: the value of face-to-face interactions


Social isolation among Spain’s young adult population: the value of face-to-face interactions

November 2024

Social Inclusion
Joan M. Verd, Mireia Bolíbar and Joan Rodríguez-Soler, Centre d’Estudis Sociològics sobre la Vida Quotidiana i el Treball, Institut d’Estudis del Treball, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Albert Navarro, Research Group on Psychosocial Risks, Organization of Work and Health, Institut d’Estudis del Treball, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona;

Online interactions are no replacement for face-to-face relationships in providing emotional support between young people. In fact, it is a lack of face-to-face interactions that really leads to social isolation. 

Are gender stereotypes still alive in the twenty-first century?


Are gender stereotypes still alive in the twenty-first century?

November 2024

Social Inclusion
Marta Fraile, Institute for Public Goods and Policies, CSIC; Paula Zuluaga, Department of Political Science, UAB;

Gender stereotypes persist that mean that traits such as leadership and entrepreneurship are identified as masculine, while empathy and understanding are considered feminine.

Linking academic training with experience in the market can boost entrepreneurship


Linking academic training with experience in the market can boost entrepreneurship

November 2024

Mircea Epure, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, BSE and UPF-BSM;

What is the best way to promote entrepreneurship? This study emphasises the need to align academic training with real business experiences.

Feeling precarious affects young people’s mental health


Feeling precarious affects young people’s mental health

November 2024

Social Inclusion
Lara Maestripieri, Matilde Cittadini, Adriana Offredi and Roger Soler i Martí, IGOP/Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona; Míriam Acebillo-Baqué, INGENIO (CSIC-Universitat Politècnica de València); Karen van Hedel, Utrecht University; Alba Lanau, Universitat Pompeu Fabra;

Feeling precarious damages young people’s mental health. Of the young people interviewed for this study, 31% are at risk of depression or anxiety, and the sensation of not being able to access a decent standard of living is a crucial factor.

Informer ideology matters


Informer ideology matters

October 2024

Social Inclusion
Jorge García-Hombrados and Marcel Jansen, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid; Ángel Martínez, EsadeEcPol; Berkay Özcan, London School of Economics and Political Science; Pedro Rey-Biel, Esade-URL; Antonio Roldán-Monés, Esade EcPol y London School of Economics;

Does scientific evidence have an impact on public policies? According to this experiment, it will have greater repercussions if it is delivered via the media and other think tanks aligned with the ideology of political leaders.

Beyond “emptied Spain”: climate change, depopulation, and globalisation in rural areas


Beyond “emptied Spain”: climate change, depopulation, and globalisation in rural areas

October 2024

Social Inclusion
Sergio Villamayor-Tomas, Daniel Gaitán Cremaschi, Beatriz Pierri-Daunt, and Leticia Santos de Lima, Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA-UAB); Esteve Corbera, ICTA-UAB e Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avancats (ICREA);

Climate change, depopulation and the globalization of agricultural trade are causing vulnerability. This study analyzes which areas are most affected.

Training in oral communication failing to make the grade among university students


Training in oral communication failing to make the grade among university students

August 2024

Emma Rodero, Universitat Pompeu Fabra;

Oral communication is a fundamental tool in the academic field as well as in the personal and professional spheres. However, 77.5% of university students claim that they have received no training in oral communication.

Where and how do young people seek help when experiencing emotional distress?


Where and how do young people seek help when experiencing emotional distress?

August 2024

Social Inclusion
David Fraguas, Instituto de Psiquiatría y Salud Mental, Hospital Clínico San Carlos, IdISSC, CIBERSAM, UCM, Fundación Manantial; Antonio Perdigón, Octavio Finol, Diana Torres, Vanesa López and Sara Toledano, Fundación Manantial;

According to this study, 46% of young people aged between 16 and 32 years old claim to suffer from emotional distress; of these, 29.8% decide to ask for help, but only 25.9% go to health professionals.

The state of digital empowerment among Spanish teachers and the persistence of gender and age gaps


The state of digital empowerment among Spanish teachers and the persistence of gender and age gaps

July 2024

Rocío Jiménez Cortés, Universidad de Sevilla;

Are teachers making the most of digital resources? This study reveals a lower level of digital empowerment among ESO (secondary) teachers aged 56-65, especially among female teachers.

Young people, opportunities, and futures


Young people, opportunities, and futures

June 2024

Social Inclusion

What challenges are faced by young people in Spain and Portugal? In the Social Observatory’s twelfth Dossier, we analyse aspects such as performance in the education system, incorporation into the labour market, or leaving the parental home.

Does the use of social media affect the well-being of adolescents?


Does the use of social media affect the well-being of adolescents?

June 2024

Isabel Rodríguez de Dios and Emma Rodero, Universitat Pompeu Fabra;

Eight out of every ten adolescents consume contents on social media every day, but their well-being is more related with their experiences on social media than their frequency of use.