On September 30 and October 1, 2024, the World Bank Academy and the Social Observatory of the ”la Caixa” Foundation have organized a joint international seminar to exchange knowledge and experience on the challenges posed by demographic transition and global demographic imbalances. The event has been a space to share experiences and learn about policies and programs for an integrated approach to aging and longevity, including the following areas: health and long-term care, income security, financial inclusion, jobs and active aging.
Societal aging represents a triumph, a consequence of the notable rise in global life expectancy that has occurred in recent decades. However, the combination of increasing longevity and declining fertility rates present multiple challenges, such as heightened demands for healthcare and social services, risk of poverty among the older population, strains on public finances, diminished global labor productivity and economic growth, and exacerbated gender disparities. These challenges are particularly daunting for low- and middle-income nations, which face accelerated aging rates coupled with limited resources, slow changes in the family structure, and reduced female labor force participation.
A third global trend is migration, which brings its own challenges, but at the same time represents an opportunity to countervail some of the challenges of aging. Tackling aging related challenges requires a multifaceted strategy that encompasses interventions in social protection, healthcare, education, labor markets, and other areas
This downloadable document provides a summary of the presentations.
The conclusions of the seminar are available on this blog.
Home care for elderly people should reconcile healthcare and care linked to
social services. This study provides data on the application of a tool to
coordinate and optimise these two types of care.
Some 23.1% of Spain’s GDP is assigned to programmes for the care of elderly
people, health, unemployment, disability, family, social exclusion and