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Demographic determinants


Demographic determinants



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Preventing discrimination and social exclusion in Spain

In Spain, not all immigrant groups are perceived equally. According to this study, 35.9% of native Spaniards stated that they have positive contacts with Moroccans, while the figure increased to 59.8% in relation to people of Latin American origin.


Evolution of wage gap between native-born and migrant youth in Spain

In what way does our background affect wages? This report analyses the evolution of wage trajectories among native and immigrant young people between 2007 and 2015.


Intergenerational solidarity

Some 34.8 of grandparents in Spain regularly care for their grandchildren, a figure much higher than the European average.


Population occupation rates by age

Between 2010 and 2020, the occupation rate of the younger population decreased, while that of over 55s increased.


Population distribution by types of household

In 2019, households were predominantly formed by childless couples (22.7%), versus 12.2% formed by couples with children.

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