Executive summary - Social needs of the inmigrant population
According to data from 2018, in Spain, immigrants work in the most precarious jobs and have greater difficulty accessing housing.
The situation in Spain - Social needs of the inmigrant population
In 2018, some 47.1% of immigrants were in a situation of monetary poverty, much higher than 17.6% of native Spaniards.
The situation in Europe - Social needs of the inmigrant population
The poverty risk rate for immigrants living in Spain (46% before covid-19), is clearly higher than that recorded for the same group across the whole of the EU-28 (29.1%). However, in comparison with the native population, Spain is not the country with the highest differences.
Public policies - Social needs of the inmigrant population
According to the MIPEX indicator, Spain obtains an average qualification of 60 points, which situates it in 11th position of the 38 included in the comparison with respect to integration: educational aspects, health, family reunification, and political participation.