Cultural consumption: a question of taste or of price?
This article from the Social Observatory of "la Caixa" analyses the role played by education and income in people’s participation in cultural activities of different types.

The impact of culture and leisure on the happiness of Spanish people
Happiness depends on many factors, prominently including participation in cultural and leisure activities. This article from the Social Observatory of "la Caixa" reflects on this theory in relation to the individual and social dimensions of culture.

“One of the functions of art is to open up debates in society”
In this interview with the Social Observatory of "la Caixa" Jen Snowball shares her reflections on the value created by the art and culture sector and the concept of “culturally sustainable development”.

Perspectives on cultural participation in Europe
This book, reviewed for the Social Observatory of "la Caixa", aims to measure participation in cultural activities on a European level, as well as promote them to contribute to social inclusion and active citizenship.

Best practices
A performing arts-based programme that integrates social, educational and cultural action.

Economic activity generated in the cultural sector
What is the impact of cultural activity on the economy? In 2014, services companies in Spain working in the cultural activity sector represented 3.73% of the total economy.

Employment in the cultural sector
How many people work in the cultural sector? In 2015, the cultural sector employed 2.5% of the population of Spain. This figure is lower than the European average.

Public investment in culture
How much do countries invest in culture? In the last decade, the governmental authorities in Spain have reduced the funding of cultural services.

Amateur artistic practices
Playing an instrument, singing, photography... In 2015, some 14.2% of citizens undertook some amateur artistic activity at least once per week.

New forms of cultural participation
Income level influences habits in cultural participation online. What happens in our peer countries?

Satisfaction with cultural spaces in European cities
What is the opinion of citizens regarding the cultural spaces available in their places of residence? This indicator shows in which European cities the residents appear to be most satisfied.

Difficulty in accessing cultural services
Reasons such as timings and distance may complicate the access of citizens to cultural spaces. In 2012, some 32% of the population of Spain considered it was difficult to access cultural services, 4 points higher than the European average.

Opinion regarding the presence of immigrants in the country’s cultural life
How does the presence of immigrants influence the country’s cultural life? In 2014, some 49% of Spanish people considered that the presence of immigrants enriched the country’s cultural life.

What importance does culture have when planning holidays?
Culture was one of the main reasons for 29% of the Spanish population when it came to planning holiday travel in 2015. Three points above the European average.

Participation in studies related with culture by gender
In all the countries, courses related with culture involved more women than men in 2015. In Spain, 57.8% of students with culture-related qualifications were women.

Percentage of the population that took at least one training course related with culture in the last year
How many people participate in complementary training courses linked to culture? In 2015, 5.9% of the Spanish population underwent some training of this type.