The European Union set a target for the business sector to invest 2% of GDP
in R&D. How is the convergence of Spain and Portugal towards this goal
What is society’s opinion regarding the possible impacts of science and
technology? Establishing citizen participation mechanisms is necessary to
generate confidence and detect points for improvement.
In Spain and Portugal, the proportion of innovative companies, and the
degree to which these collaborate with other companies and organisations,
is below the EU-27 average.
While the participation of female PhD holders in Portugal is situated above
the EU‑27 average in all fields of knowledge considered, in Spain the
participation of female PhD holders is situated below the European average
in the fields of art, humanities and social sciences.
‘Shaping the Future: Social Protection and Support Systems for an Aging
World’ was held, organised by the Social Observatory of the ‘la Caixa’
Foundation and the World Bank with the aim of addressing the challenges of
social care in ageing from a multidimensional strategy..