The Graph shows how the younger population tends to show higher levels of satisfaction with life. In 2013, some 26.3% of young Spanish people aged between 16 and 24 years stated a high level of satisfaction with life: 3 points below the average for the EU-28 (29.4%).
31% of the young people are at risk of depression or anxiety, and the
sensation of not being able to access a decent standard of living is a
crucial factor.
The ”la Caixa” Foundation’s Work4Progress programme aims to go beyond
supporting isolated projects, by promoting social innovation platforms for
experimentation and systemic change.
‘Shaping the Future: Social Protection and Support Systems for an Aging
World’ was held, organised by the Social Observatory of the ‘la Caixa’
Foundation and the World Bank with the aim of addressing the challenges of
social care in ageing from a multidimensional strategy..