Feeling precarious affects young people’s mental health
1Labour precariousness is a phenomenon that is not equally distributed across young people, whereas feeling precarious affects all, independently from their gender, age, or migrant background.
231% of our interviewees are at risk of depression/anxiety. Feeling precarious, and not a precarious job in itself, is crucial as an explaining factor.
3Feeling precarious goes beyond having a low-quality job; its meaning for our respondents also includes the incapacity to satisfy basic needs or access a decent standard of living.
440.6% of our sample stated that they suffer from at least one mental or physical health issue due to economic insecurity. Living alone is associated with greater economic insecurity.
5The economic security of households has been challenged in the post-pandemic era, especially due to the inflation crisis and rising energy costs. About 65% of those who feel extremely precarious, state that these have been factors of economic insecurity for their household.