Have the labour reforms reduced the temporary employment rate among young workers?
An analysis of possible short-term effects in Spain and Portugal
1The labour market flexibility measures implemented in the 1980s in Spain and Portugal led to a labour market that was highly segmented between permanent and temporary workers. This resulted in greater job uncertainty for certain social groups, especially young adults, affected by high temporary employment rates and also hard hit by unemployment during periods of crisis.
2The recent labour reforms sought to tackle these situations of vulnerability in the labour market caused by temporary contracting by means of apparently structural changes in Spain and more limited ones in Portugal.
3In comparison with 2019, the reduction in the temporary employment rate among Spanish young adults was over 8% just after the adoption of the reform (2nd quarter 2022) and almost 19% more than a year after its implementation (2nd quarter 2023). This reduction fell short of 1% in Portugal one quarter after the adoption of the reform (2nd quarter 2023).
4The figures show that, seemingly, more structural reforms are required with the aim of changing business practices regarding temporary contracting in order to attain substantially beneficial results for the youth population.