1The income of people in disabled households is systematically below that of the rest of the population, a gap that widened with the economic recovery.
2The poverty rate of people in disabled households increased by 4.5 percentage points between 2012 and 2018, while that of the rest of the population decreased.
3The impact of disability cash benefits on income has tended to rise in Spain since 2007, from an increase in income of 8.5% in 2007 to an increase of 16.8% in 2018.
4Although there has been a greater reduction in the poverty rate stemming from disability cash benefits over the past decade, even topping 10 percentage points, the disability poverty gap has widened.
5Disability cash benefits in Spain have reduced the intensity of poverty in Spain, although this drop is half of that observed in Sweden, Denmark or the Netherlands.
6Public spending on disability benefits in Spain (1.6% of GDP) is just over a third of that in Denmark and just over half of that in Sweden.
7The average amount of disability cash benefits in Spain helps to lift recipients above the poverty line, but these benefits only reach one in four people with disabilities.

Poverty rate among people in disabled households prior to and following DCB payments, Spain, 2007-2018.