Personal relationships of young adults in Spain and Portugal: sociability, isolation, and social inequality
1In the European Union, 52.4% of young people meet friends, family, or co-workers, in their free time, every day or several times a week. Spain slightly exceeds this percentage (56.0%), while Portugal is one of the countries with the highest frequency of interactions (67.9%).
2Despite the higher frequency of interactions among young people in Portugal, the size of their personal networks is smaller in comparison with Spain and the European Union as a whole. In Portugal, the most common personal network size is 3 people, while in Spain and the European Union it is 4-6 people.
3In Spain and Portugal, the young adult population shows a higher frequency of interaction with parents. While 70.6% of Spanish young adults meet with their parents at least once a day, in Portugal the percentage is 51.9% and, in the whole of the European Union, 49.2%.
4The percentage of young Spanish adults (56.6%) who declare a high degree of affective proximity with their parents is the highest in the European Union, with Portugal standing in third position (49.5%), still much higher than the European average (37.9%).
5The young adults suffering the highest percentage of social isolation are those of foreign origin, those in a situation of greater economic vulnerability, and those in unemployment or who have been in long-term unemployment. Greater sociability and contact with the family in Spain and Portugal have an impact on lower levels of social isolation of their young people in comparison to those of the European Union as a whole.