Does Dual Vocational Education and Training favour the labour market
incorporation of young people? Dual VET graduates work more days per year
and earn more.
33% of pupils with lower economic capacity attend private tuition, in
contrast with 57% of pupils with a higher profile. Differentials in
participation in extracurricular activities in relation to economic
capacity are greater in secondary school.
In Spain, not all immigrant groups are perceived equally. According to this
study, 35.9% of native Spaniards stated that they have positive contacts
with Moroccans, while the figure increased to 59.8% in relation to people
of Latin American origin.
‘Shaping the Future: Social Protection and Support Systems for an Aging
World’ was held, organised by the Social Observatory of the ‘la Caixa’
Foundation and the World Bank with the aim of addressing the challenges of
social care in ageing from a multidimensional strategy..