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Public policies - Social needs of senior citizens


Public policies - Social needs of senior citizens



Subject areas

Contents of the collection

This section belongs to the report

Social needs of senior citizens

made up of the following publications:

Social needs: health

Social needs: labour market

Social needs: housing

Social needs: economic and material wellbeing

Social needs of youth

Social needs of the inmigrant population

Social needs: education

Social needs of women and men

Social needs of children

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Seminar on longevity 2024

‘Shaping the Future: Social Protection and Support Systems for an Aging World’ was held, organised by the Social Observatory of the ‘la Caixa’ Foundation and the World Bank with the aim of addressing the challenges of social care in ageing from a multidimensional strategy..


Professionals improve their empathy towards older people after experiencing limitations associated with ageing

Experiment in which participants put themselves in the shoes of an elderly person by using an age simulation suit, shows that their empathic skills .


Can home care for older people be improved?

Home care for elderly people should reconcile healthcare and care linked to social services. This study provides data on the application of a tool to coordinate and optimise these two types of care.


Social needs of the inmigrant population

The immigrant collective is one of the most vulnerable groups and, if we compare it with native workers, a significant income gap is revealed. In this report we analyse this population segment’s social needs before covid-19.


Social needs: education

Do we have quality education? In this report we analyse three fundamental dimensions: access to sufficient educational level, obtaining of adequate knowledge to contribute to economic and social development, and degree of inclusion of the education system.

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Social needs: health


Social needs: health

Social Inclusion

This report analyses four challenges relating to health in Spain: improving the population’s health, promoting healthy lifestyle habits, guaranteeing access to healthcare and the viability of services for dependency.

Social needs: labour market


Social needs: labour market

Social Inclusion

A country’s development depends on access to employment with adequate conditions and sufficient remuneration to cover the needs of each household. This report analyses the social needs linked to the labour market.

Social needs: housing


Social needs: housing

Social Inclusion

What social challenges does decent housing represent in Spain? This report analyses three challenges in this field: access, conditions and energy needs.