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People at risk of poverty and social exclusion


People at risk of poverty and social exclusion



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Multidimensional poverty dynamics in Spain and other European countries

Poor people have a higher probability of facing additional shortages and a lower probability of suffering an existing shortage than people who are not poor.


How do people’s acquaintances shape their support for economic redistribution and social protection?

We analyse how opinions on economic redistribution and social protection depend not only on family incomes, but also on the wages earned by people in the immediate social environment.


Moving in and out of in-work poverty in Spain

Having a job is no longer sufficient for escaping poverty. Many households, especially with children, are experiencing in-work poverty associated with low wages or periods of inactivity.


Poverty risk among working-age people in Spain

The risk of poverty among the working-age population increased by 20% during the Great Recession. What role is played by social transfers?

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