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The situation in Europe - Social needs of youth


The situation in Europe - Social needs of youth



Subject areas

Contents of the collection

This section belongs to the report

Social needs of youth

made up of the following publications:

Social needs: economic and material wellbeing

Social needs of the inmigrant population

Social needs of children

Social needs: housing

Social needs: labour market

Social needs of senior citizens

Social needs: education

Social needs: health

Social needs of women and men

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Precarious affects young people’s mental health

31% of the young people are at risk of depression or anxiety, and the sensation of not being able to access a decent standard of living is a crucial factor.


Training in oral communication

77.5% of university students claim that they have received no training in oral communication.


Young people seek help emotional

According to this study, 46% of young people aged between 16 and 32 years old claim to suffer from emotional distress.

Best practices

Work4Progress by the ”la Caixa” Foundation

The ”la Caixa” Foundation’s Work4Progress programme aims to go beyond supporting isolated projects, by promoting social innovation platforms for experimentation and systemic change.


Young people, opportunities, and futures

What challenges are faced by young people in Spain and Portugal? In the Social Observatory’s twelfth Dossier, we analyse it.

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