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The situation in Spain - Social needs: health


The situation in Spain - Social needs: health



Subject areas

Contents of the collection

This section belongs to the report

Social needs: health

made up of the following publications:

Social needs of youth

Social needs: housing

Social needs of the inmigrant population

Social needs: labour market

Social needs of senior citizens

Social needs: economic and material wellbeing

Social needs of children

Social needs of women and men

Social needs: education

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The top 1% of carbon emitters have a carbon footprint that is 7 times higher than the average.


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Multidimensional poverty dynamics in Spain and other European countries

Poor people have a higher probability of facing additional shortages and a lower probability of suffering an existing shortage than people who are not poor.


Social welfare systems and inequality in Europe

Spain’s social protection system is less redistributive than those of other EU countries. What reforms could help reduce economic inequality in Spain?


Private tuition and economic inequality in Spain

33% of pupils with lower economic capacity attend private tuition, in contrast with 57% of pupils with a higher profile. Differentials in participation in extracurricular activities in relation to economic capacity are greater in secondary school.

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