Compassion, by Rafael Argullol
Is compassion possible in a competitive world?
Our world extols and boosts the development of subjective characteristics such as autonomy, narcissism (or "personal branding") and independence. Compassion is left out of the picture since it is perceived as a useless weakness or even a danger. Rafael Argullol, a humanist and a long-standing professor underscores the value of compassion as an act of freedom and resistance against the dehumanisation of the contemporary world. Compassion helps us to connect with the perspective of others and transforms us through the acknowledgement of our mutual interdependence and vulnerability. In this interview, we will see how compassion counterbalances alienation and isolation. It is through compassion that we can reclaim an ethical dimension that is still crucial for achieving a fairer and more engaged society.
Scientific direction: Carlos Javier González Serrano | Audiovisual production: La Diferencia