In Spain, not all immigrant groups are perceived equally. According to this
study, 35.9% of native Spaniards stated that they have positive contacts
with Moroccans, while the figure increased to 59.8% in relation to people
of Latin American origin.
In what way does our background affect wages? This report analyses the
evolution of wage trajectories among native and immigrant young people
between 2007 and 2015.
Do remedial education programmes aimed at students from underprivileged
groups work? This study shows that they only manage to benefit immigrant
pupils if the proportion of them in the school group does not exceed 50%.
Do municipal councils in Spain reflect the diversity of origins of the
population? We analyse access to local politics for immigrants and whether
differences exist between the different foreign groups.
‘Shaping the Future: Social Protection and Support Systems for an Aging
World’ was held, organised by the Social Observatory of the ‘la Caixa’
Foundation and the World Bank with the aim of addressing the challenges of
social care in ageing from a multidimensional strategy..