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Call to support research projects on technology and society (FS21-1B)



The aim of the call was to support survey-based research that allows data to be obtained about technology and society in Spain.

The call was open to survey-based research projects that could complete the entire path from hypotheses to conclusions within a maximum period of 8 months and present the results of the research in an outreach article to be published by the Social Observatory of the ”la Caixa” Foundation.

The selection process of the proposals received was conducted by academic experts linked to the field of social sciences. The projects were evaluated without the evaluators knowing the authorship or affiliation of the concurrent researchers.

The projects finally selected were as follows:

  • Does social media use impact adolescents’ well-being state or the opposite? A longitudinal study on social media, loneliness, and personality traïts 
    Isabel Rodríguez, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

  • Smartphone use, social interactions and digital well-being in a nationally representative sample of emerging adults 
    Charo Sádaba, Universidad de Navarra

  • Cyberbullying victimization in Spanish adolescents with specific needs of educational support (SNES): involvement and psychosocial outcomes
    Àngels Esteller, Universitat Illes Balears (UIB)

  • Gamblification in Spain: the convergence of gambling, trading and video games Ainhoa Coloma Carmona, Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche

  • Understanding the role of health literacy and the digital divide in socioeconomic inequalities in health and well-being 
    Sergi Trias-Llimós, Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics - UAB

The following researchers participated in the selection process:

Phase 1
Jaume García Villar - Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Montserrat Guillen Estany - Universitat de Barcelona
Diederik Boertien – Centre d’Estudis Demogràfic     
Andrea Rosales Climent - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
María Fernández Mellizo Soto – Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Manuel Trujillo Carmona - CSIC
Aina Gallego - Universitat de Barcelona
Manel González-Piñero - CREB Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Carles Sierra - CSIC

Phase 2
Mónica Méndez - Universidad de Murcia
Tomás  Cano    - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Gian Marco Campagnolo - University of Edinburgh
Santiago Sánchez - King's College London
Esteve Juanola Feliu – Universitat de Barcelona

Barcelona, 17 December 2022